◎日時:2021年11月8日(月)17:00 -18:30(日本時間)
◎問合せ:GII/IDI懇談会NGO連絡会 gii@joicfp.or.jp
・ジョイセフ アドボカシーグループ advocacy@joicfp.or.jp
・アフリカ日本協議会 ajf.globalhealth@gmail.com
南博・内閣官房 健康・医療戦略室次長 兼 広報外交担当日本政府代表・大使
クアット・チー・ハイ・オアン氏(ベトナム)コミュニティ開発イニシアティブ支援センター 事務局長
アベナ・アドビア・アチャンポン氏(ガーナ)ガーナ家族計画協会 事務局長
リーナ・メンガニー氏(インド) 国境なき医師団 アクセスキャンペーン 国際知的財産権課題アドバイザー
モデレーター:稲場雅紀 GII懇談会NGO連絡会代表
Japan’s Role in UHC during the Pandemic: A Global Dialogue Japan CSO Network on Global Health (The GII/IDI Network) Presents:
Japan’s Role in UHC during the Pandemic: An International Dialogue
Date & Time: Monday, November 8, 2021, 17:00-18:30 (Tokyo/Seoul), 08:00-09:30 (UTC/GMT)
RSVP: Please register yourself Here!
Hosted by: Japan CSO Network on Global Health
– Japan CSO Network on Global Health: gii@joicfp.or.jp
– Advocacy Group, JOICFP: advocacy@joicfp.or.jp
– Africa Japan Forum: ajf.globalhealth@gmail.com
What role can Japan play in global health within the context of COVID-19 pandemic? In the midst of the pandemic, the Government of Japan will be renewing its
5-year global health strategy. The Japan CSO Network on Global Health had an opportunity to contribute to the consultation and continues to have ongoing dialogue with the government on the strategy with a focus on leaving no one behind.
In this international consultation, we invited civil society groups from Vietnam, Ghana, and India. We hope to hear about how Japan’s global health strategy could affect the most vulnerable populations and their own recommendations vis-a-vis the next strategy.
We hope this international consultation will contribute to crafting a clear vision of Japan’s role on global health. Please join us for this dynamic exchange.
There will be simultaneous interpretation available in Japanese and English
Opening Remarks: Japan CSO Network on Global Health
Japan’s New Global Health Strategy: Hiroshi Minami, Deputy Director-General, Office of Healthcare Policy, Cabinet Secretariat and Ambassador, Representative of the Government of Japan for Public Diplomacy
Panel Discussion:
Theme 1: No One Left Behind in UHC
Dr. Khuat Thi Hai Oanh, Executive Director, Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (Vietnam)
Theme 2: Gender and UHC:
Ms Abena Adubea Aheampong, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Association Ghana (Ghana)
Theme 3: Global Health Security, Access and UHC
Dr. Leena Menghaney, Global IP Advisor, Access Campaign, Medecins sans Frontieres (India)
Moderated by: Masaki Inaba, Chair, Japan CSO Network on Global Health
Dialogue / Q&A
Closing Remarks: Japan CSO Network on Global Health
以上 (清水)