『夜明け前のうた 消された沖縄の障害者』が、文化庁映画賞(文化記録映画部門)を受賞!さらに英語字幕付きで、山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭2021においてオンライン上映されることになりました!
■日程:11月14日(日)15:30〜17:07 (配信終了時間18:07)事前予約制・無料
*その他の映画も確認される場合はこちらから:(日本語)https://online.yidff.jp/event/acadfa (英語)https://online.yidff.jp/en/event-en/acadfa/
Now, you can watch the documentary film, “Singing in the Dark: Erasing the Disabled of Okinawa” focusing on the legal confinement of people with mental disabilities, which had been shown until 1970’s in Okinawa, Japan, on ONLINE STREAMING FOR FREE, with English subtitles. Don’t miss it!
*This film was awarded from The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, as one of the outstanding Japanese documentaries. In collaboration with Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (YIDFF), the film will be presented online as follows:
■Date and Time: Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 15:30 Japan Time (UTC +9 hours)
■Register (Tickets Free) : https://screening.ol.yidff.jp/en/film/11-14-sun-15-30-ye-ming-keqian-nouta-xiao-saretachong-nawa-nozhang-hai-zhe-singing-in-the-dark-erasing-the-disabled-of-okinawa/
*Website of YIDFF online program (if you check other films available): https://online.yidff.jp/en/event-en/acadfa/
The incarceration of the people with mental disabilities in sheds and other private enclosures, was permitted under Japanese law and continued in Okinawa, Japan, until 1972. Through interviewing with various people including the families and community people who know the victims or involved in the incarceration at that time, the film tries to pursuit the true victimizer as well as to show us the appearance of the structural violence which has been existing until today.
The director, Mr. Yoshikazu Hara, is one of AHI volunteers, participated in AHI study tour in his high school days and has visited the AHI alumni in the Philippines.

(左)記録に残されていた、監置されていた人びとの写真 (右)監置小屋のひとつ
(Left)Pictures of Incarcerated people with mental disabilities in a report by a doctor
(right) one of the shed where people were incarcerated
職員 清水