AHIも名前を連ねるPeople’s Health Movement(世界民衆保健会議)が、COVAX(コロナワクチンを分配する国際的な仕組み)に関する解説冊子(全8頁)を作りました。

タイトルは“Unpacking the COVAX black box”。ワクチン供給の希望として始まったCOVAXですが、なぜ頓挫してしまったのか。
People’s Health Movement (PHM) released it’s Policy Brief under the title of “Unpacking the COVAX black box”, July 2021, stating clearly that the issues with COVAX are structural and not just about implementation.
Which means, COVAX was designed to fail because it chose the market solution rather than a global solidarity and human rights based solution. It did not work towards breaking patent monopolies.
Also, COVAX is not a multilateral platform but a public-private partnership with little accountabilities and riddled with conflicts of interest of pharmaceutical companies.
■For more details, download from here(English, Arabic, Spanish, French are available) : https://phmovement.org/unpacking-the-covax-black-box-a-phm-policy-brief/
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