3年に一度開催される「世界水フォーラム」に合わせ、毎回異なるテーマで出される国連世界水開発報告書(The United Nations World Water Day Report (WWDR) 2021)。今年も「世界水の日」の3月22日、「水の価値評価」というテーマで発表されています。
“UN World Water Development Report 2021: Valuing Water” released on March 22!
Free Download: https://www.unwater.org/publications/un-world-water-development-report-2021/
UN WWDR 2021 entitled ‘Valuing Water ’ groups current methodologies and approaches to the valuation of water into five interrelated perspectives: valuing water sources, in situ water resources and ecosystems; valuing water infrastructure for water storage, use, reuse or supply augmentation; valuing water services, mainly drinking water, sanitation and related human health aspects; valuing water as an input to production and socio-economic activity, such as food and agriculture, energy and industry, business and employment; and other sociocultural values of water, including recreational, cultural and spiritual attributes. These are complemented with experiences from different global regions; opportunities to reconcile multiple values of water through more integrated and holistic approaches to governance; approaches to financing; and methods to address knowledge, research and capacity needs.
Full text, summary, and Audio book (English and others) can be downloaded here:
職員 清水