>>日本政府への要望書 PDF [601KB]
呼びかけ団体 『新型コロナに対する公正な医療アクセスをすべての人に!』連絡会
(特活)アジア太平洋資料センター(PARC) 共同代表 内田聖子
(公財)アジア保健研修所(AHI) 理事長 斎藤尚文
(特活)アフリカ日本協議会 共同代表理事 津山直子・玉井隆、国際保健ディレクター 稲場雅紀
(特活)国境なき医師団日本 会長 久留宮隆
(特活)シェア国際保健協力市民の会 共同代表 本田徹
世界民衆保健運動(People’s Health Movement) 日本代表幹事 宇井志緒利
(公社)日本キリスト教海外医療協力会 会長 畑野研太郎
(特活)アフリカ日本協議会 (担当:稲場・廣内) メールアドレス:ajf.globalhealth@gmail.com
Please Sign on the Statement!!
The Request to the Government of Japan: Support the Waiver of Intellectual Property Rights on COVID-19
The situation of COVID-19 has been more serious globally, especially in the Global South, due to the emergence of highly infectious mutants.
In response to the growing seriousness of COVID-19, the US government announced on May 5 that it supports the proposal submitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for a waiver of intellectual property rights related to COVID-19. EU and others are also reviewing their position on this proposal.
In response to this situation, “Equal Health and Medical Access on COVID-19 for All! Japan Network” issued a new statement of request to the Government of Japan to support the waiver of intellectual property rights on COVID-19, and started calling for civil society organizations to sign on the statement on May 14. We ask all of the colleagues of civil society worldwide to sign on the petition letter.
The first deadline: 11:59 PM, 23rd May, 2021
The PDF file of the text can be downloaded here.
>>Request for GOJ on IP Waiver PDF[147KB]
If you are an organization that would like to endorse, please fill out and submit this form.
“Equal Health and Medical Access on COVID-19 for All!” Japan Network
Called by: (signees)
Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC)
Asian Health Institute (AHI)
Africa Japan Forum (AJF)
Doctors without Borders Japan
Services for the Health in Asian/African Regions (SHARE)
People’s Health Movement Japan Circle
Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperation Service (JOCS)
Contact: Secretariat, Africa Japan Forum (AJF)
– Contact Persons: Masaki Inaba, Kaori Hirouchi
– E-mail: ajf.globalhealth@gmail.com