南アフリカ共和国に本部を置くNGO「CIVICUS」が、昨年12月初旬、世界中の市民社会スペースの最新状況をまとめた報告書「People Power Under Attack2020」(英語)を発表しました。
The CIVICUS, an NGO in South Africa, released “People Power Under Attack2020” the latest report on the state of civil society and civic freedoms in 196 countries on December 8, 2020. This report shows that 11 countries, including the Philippines, have worsened and analyzes that repressive governments have used the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity for restrictions on civic freedoms.
Just glancing at colorful figures helps you to grasp the situation. Check it out!
Website: https://findings2020.monitor.civicus.org/
PDF: https://civicus.contentfiles.net/media/assets/file/GlobalReport2020.pdf
AHI 職員 清水