2019年のAHIの国際研修参加者チャヤ(Chhaya Pachauli)さん(上記写真中央)が、8月6日にFacebookに投稿したメッセージをご紹介します。
<チャヤさんからのメッセージ> *原文は下記に
職員 清水
The building in the pictures below is the Atomic Bomb Dome of Hiroshima which I was lucky enough to visit last year just a few months before the world came under the grip of COVID19 and the global lockdown. It’s one of the few standing buildings in Hiroshima which partially survived the first ever atomic bomb attack in the human history back in the year 1945 on the very same day as today, the 6th of August. The immediate destruction caused by the explosion was beyond belief, this building is just a modest exemplar of it. Almost two thirds of the city’s structures were turned into debris and lakhs of people lost their lives. The long term effects turned out to be equally devastating if not more and they still keep on manifesting in diverse forms. However, the city soon bounced back and look how !! This glorious city for me is a firm symbol of hope, peace and resilience. It’s about always keeping the faith that we have the power to rise again and heal and grow beautifully no matter how shattered or wretched we ever feel. So keep up the hope guys. Whichever part of the world you are, whatever you’re going through, trust that this too shall pass. Peace and love everyone!!