Bula and Konnichiwa,
I am Arieta from Fiji and I’m going to share my experience as an intern for the workshop at AHI
Firstly for today`s session, upon chatting with the prticipants I came to realise that they are from very diverse countries and have vast experiences in working with grass root communities particularly issues relating to health. Most work for CSOs and are very passionate and strongly advocate on such issues. Upon attending one of the sessions, have learnt that CSOs face alot of challenges interms of cordination and implemention of their programs. But upon discussion, I was very impressed with the solutions that had been highlighted.
Secondly I am very grateful to the staff of AHI for being very accomadating and felxible. I must say, the environment they created is very much welcoming not only to the participants but to the interns also.
Though the intership was hectic, it was very rewarding in terms of learning from the experiences of the participants. I have really learnt a lot from this internship and hope to use such knowledge attained back in my home country once I return.
It was indeed an honour and a blessing to have the opportunity to serve my internship under this prestige institution.
Bula (フィジーの言葉でHelloの意味)そしてこんにちは。フィジー出身のアリエッタです。AHIでのインターンで経験したことについてお伝えしたいと思います。
インターン Arieta