タイトルは ”Health between Ethics and Economisation”
日本語に訳すと、「健康」~倫理と経済の間で というところでしょうか。もぞっとくるタイトルです。
Summer Schoolウェブサイトより↓
From: Florian Drüke <globalhealth@ippnw.de>
Call for Applications Global Health Summer 2018
*Health between Ethics and Economisation*
*Dear fellow students, young professionals and friends,*
the Institute for Social medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics
(Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and IPPNW Germany invite you to a
one-week full-time course focusing on Global Health Challenges.
This year’s Summer School (August 5th-11th) explores the mechanisms of
globalisation, inequality and health. We want to discuss in which ways
ethics can help us to work as health professionals and political activists
for the health of all. During the week we will learn about the
socioeconomic determinants of health, the basics of ethics in the medical
and global health field and the role of the neoliberal economy in a
globalised world and its effects on health. We will shed light on
historical and current fights between peoples’ health and corporate
interests. Most importantly we will address and discuss possible solutions,
looking at examples of „best practices“ in the health sector and will ask
(and maybe answer) how we as citizens and members of the health community
can have a positive impact.
Participants will gain a thorough understanding of intersections between
economization, ethics and health through interactive lectures, workshops, a
simulation game as well as skills training.
A one-day Alumni meeting and network conference will be held on August 4th.
Based on this years’ topic, we will be guided through the day by the theme
of climate change, as a thematically nexus to last years’ Summer School.
The Alumni Network Conference is meant to be a platform for exchange
between participants of previous Summer Schools and the new participants.
*Where?* Berlin, Germany
*When?* August 5th -August 11th 2018
*Who should apply? *Anyone interested in Global Health Challenges
*Summer School and Alumni Conference*
Students: 200 Euro (incl. 80 Euros for meals)
IPPNW members: 120 Euro (incl. 80 Euros for meals)
Professionals (with regular income): 380 Euros (incl. 80 Euros for meals)
*Alumni Conference*
Students: 12 Euro
Professionals: 20 Euro
We welcome *applications until May 10th!*