研修生たちは、9月28日-30日 に広島を訪問しました。
夜、被爆者のお一人、上野照子さん(渡部さんのお母様)から当時の事や今の語り部としての思いを聞きました。 タイのティーラさんが「この先どのくらい長く語り部を続けることができますか?」と質問すると、「いま88
「これはぼくらの叫びです これは私たちの祈りです 世界に平和をきずくための」
This is a day for all of our participants to discover Hiroshima, the first city in the world hit by atomic bomb.
The director of Asian Network of Trust (ANT-Hiroshima) organization, Ms. Tomoko Watanabe enthusiastically explained about history of Hiroshima and their activities in ANT organization. This NGO is building peace internationally through cooperation, education and public awareness. One of their activities is donating two books about well-known hibakusha (“Sadako’s Prayer” and “Paper Crane Journey”). Sadako San’s perseverance inspired all of us. To show our respect for her dream and peace, we all made paper cranes.
I would like to share the message from ANT on that day. In our lives, though we follow our basic needs for shelter, food and clothes, we need the beauties for our children to draw, to play music or sports. To build these beauties, the crucial awareness for all of us is to nurture the value of peace. Thus, we need memories to realize the true value of peace. Therefore, ANT is promoting peace and reconciliation through the spirit of atomic bomb survivors.
After lunch, we went to peace memorial museum. Inside the museum, we met some groups of children learning like us. Then, the intern from ANT introduced about trees, A-bomb surviving tree. We also visited peace monument and prayed for all people and victims all around the world against peace. At Sadako monument, we offered a thousand paper cranes from volunteers of peace group in Nissin.
This late afternoon, we listened to a story of an A-bomb survivor. Though I have enormous wishes to share what she said, I would like to introduce her last words in the talk here. One of our participants raised the question to her, “How long will you be able to share your story in your life?” “As long as my memory works, now I am 88 years old, I can keep talking about it.”
I would like to end my blog with the footnote of Sadako monument,
“This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world.”
With peace,
An intern