・ 戦後すぐに原発建設を計画してきた政府と核廃絶を訴えてきた被爆者や運動家との間の議論について
・ 社会的判断
Best Wishes!!
インターン May
What a day to say goodbye to Hiroshima! This morning, we started our group work by sharing key leanings from previous two days. We have a distinguished guest from Hiroshima City University to give a talk about peace and health. We have learnt three main themes from the talk: the concepts of Hiroshima heart, the controversial issues about nuclear plants between government and anti-nuclear activists, and judgment. Indeed, she convinced us the importance
of peace buildings among the nations by giving her native town, Hiroshima as an example and Jewish concentration camp in Auschwitz.
During late morning, we spent our time at Hachidori-sha, social book cafe. The environment is quiet and the room is full of books. As the name goes, this cafe serves people not only for a drink but also a center for gatherings. Despites having insurmountable difficulties, a young anti-nuclear weapons activist finally can run this social book cafe.
Her purpose of this cafe is to nurture people about the value of peace by interaction with people. We listen intensively about her interest in peace, and her social book cafe’s establishment.
Then we made a visit to ANT-Hiroshima’s office. There we had group discussions with legacy successors at ANT for an hour. Late evening, we closed our study trip by analyzing our learning in Hiroshima.
We said goodbye and best wishes to all contributors for fulfilling our trip. Now we all are on the way to AHI.
Last, my best wishes to AHI and all the readers from me, as it is my last day of being an intern here.
With peace,